03 Sep Things To Consider Before Drawing Up Plans
A successful building development requires initial thought and consideration before the plans are drawn up. Some important questions to ask include:
- Is the proposed work feasible? Does a certifier, planner or architect need to investigate the proposal to ensure it can be completed under the local plan and other building regulations governing the area?
- What is the budget, and is this affordable for the client? Designing a building is only feasible if there are sufficient funds allocated for its construction. If financing is required, this will need to be obtained first.
- What is the scope of works and its impact? Internal renovations and extensions may require a family to move out and rent during the construction period. If the job cannot be staged for the family to remain living in their house, what financial impact will this have?
- How much input is required from a designer? Does the client know what they want and just require a draftsman to draw it up, do they need design help from a building designer, or do they want to employ a full-service architect?
Probuilder can help guide you through these questions, and help to ensure that your project can be delivered on time and within budget.
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